Thursday, January 27, 2022

Poem __________________ David Mason


A Mathematical Abecedarian Poem


A problem is to calculate the

Beta function at alpha = 1/2, where it is

Continuous, has a transcendental value and is

Divisible by Beta at 3/2.

Easy enough using

Familiar properties of this function.

Galois theory does not come into play nor do

Hilbert spaces and their special properties.

Indivisible numbers, as well as,

Jordan curves should be avoided. You might get sucked into a

Klein bottle and never get out.

Latin squares may befuddle you or

Manifolds on Lie groups.

Never try to understand

Ordinary differential equations without

Practice in Fourier analysis and knowledge of

Quaternion valued matrices.

Riemannian metrics are essential in talking about

Space that is very curvy.

Time and time again they are

Useful in describing unexpected worlds.

Vector spaces are helpful too

When defining one’s place in space.

Xeno did not know about them when he fashioned his paradox.

Yet it confused philosophers long ago. By the way,

Zeno came up with the famous paradox, not Xeno.

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